Your dad needs skilled nursing care at home after his surgery. What services should you expect, and what should you know about how it works to ensure the nurse can do the job without obstacles?
Ask Questions in Advance

If you have questions about what to expect, ask them before the nurse arrives. You may still have some questions during the skilled nursing session, but you should get as many questions answered before the appointment as you can.
Have the House Organized
When the nurse comes to help your dad, make sure there’s nothing in the way. Clutter can make it difficult for the nurse to complete the task at hand. If your dad needs a chair in the dining room to sit at while his blood pressure reading is taken, make sure the table is clear so that the nurse has a place to put equipment.
If your dad’s nurse is drawing blood, make sure the room where it’s happening has been cleaned. Sterilize counters or tables. It also helps to have your dad in a t-shirt with a cardigan or zippered sweatshirt that’s easily removed.
Confine Pets to a Room
Place pets in a separate room during the nurse’s visit. The pets may be friendly, but you don’t want them being in the way. They can stay in a room for a few hours. Release them only if the nurse says it’s okay to let them out.
Prepare Your Dad As Well As You Can
Prepare your dad for the visits with a skilled nurse. Make sure he knows why the nurse is coming. Go over what the nurse will do during the visit, what’s expected of him, and what surprises may appear.
For example, your dad’s doctor requires him to have his blood drawn to check his iron levels as he was found to be anemic right before the surgery. His nurse is here to examine his incision and change the bandages, but other services may arise due to that anemia.
During the skilled nurse’s visit, he’ll have a strap put on his arm while the vial of blood is taken. His nurse will check his blood pressure and pulse. He may need to step on a scale to have his weight checked.
While there, the nurse may go over a checklist of things that can signify low iron, such as headaches, fluttering heartbeats, and unexplained exhaustion. He needs to answer those questions. If the nurse is concerned over answers, your dad’s doctor may be called to discuss other treatment options.
Arrange skilled nursing by asking your dad’s doctors about his care needs. Once you have that information, talk to a specialist in skilled nursing care to answer questions and learn how to get started.