March is National Nutrition Month and while it’s important for your senior loved ones to get good nutrition it’s also important for you as a family caregiver to make sure that you’re eating healthy and getting the nutrition you need. Caregiving can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Making sure that your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs is essential so that you have the strength and energy to keep doing all the things you do to take care of your senior loved ones and your family. If you’re a professional family caregiver who always feels like you’re on the edge of exhaustion these four things can help you get the nutrition you need to keep going:
Meal Prep

One way that family caregivers can eat healthier is efficient meal prep. By taking one day each week to prep meals for the entire week you can be sure that you always have a healthy and nutritious meal ready to be heated up at a moment’s notice. That way if you are having a busy or chaotic day you can just grab a fully prepped meal to prepare instead of ordering pizza. Smart meal preppers say that the key to good meal prep is to prepare a bunch of vegetable dishes, some rice or quinoa, and a few different types of lean meats so that you can just choose a protein, some veggies, and a starch to make a complete meal.
Always Keep Healthy Snacks Close At Hand
Some days a sit-down meal just isn’t in the cards. If you’re taking your senior loved one to the doctor and there’s a wait, or you get stuck in traffic, or you have to work through lunch in order to leave early and pick up your child from school you need a healthy meal on the go. Protein shakes, granola bars, and other healthy snacks will give you the energy you need without causing a sugar crash an hour later. Keep a protein shake in your bag or a box of granola bars in the car so that you always have a healthy snack nearby. Don’t forget to drink water too.
Meal Delivery
Meal delivery kits have become a staple for many family caregivers. You can have the meal kits delivered to your senior loved one so that personal care at-home provider can cook the meal and then you and your senior loved one can share it. Or you can help the personal care at-home provider and your senior loved one prepare the meal. Either way, you will get a delicious and nutritionally balanced meal delivered to the door so you don’t have to waste time shopping.
Grocery Delivery
Another good option is to have healthy groceries delivered. When you have groceries delivered, you’re less likely to get a pizza or some other unhealthy but quick meal. Instead, you will make healthier choices because you won’t be impulse shopping.